Yellowknife Day Care Association
Expanding their Future
Who We are
The Yellowknife Day Care Association is a non-profit organization that is licensed through the Department of Education, Culture and Employment to provide day care for 104 children.
We are based in downtown Yellowknife and offer a well equipped, spacious indoor facility with large outdoor play areas and government recommended child-teacher ratios. Day Care staff interact with children to encourage the development of age-appropriate self-help skills such as: dressing, toileting, resting, washing, eating and interaction with others. Teachers and staff are responsive to parents’ concerns about their child’s individual development.
We practice fire evacuation and safety procedures monthly. We ensure an adequate rest area and quiet time for children of all ages in a neat, clean environment. A full-time cook ensures that all children get two nutritious snacks and a hot lunch by following the Canada Food Guide, as closely as possible.
Our daily program is developed to meet the physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs of the children, while maintaining a nurturing and happy environment. This is done by qualified personnel who hold Education degrees, Certificates in Early Childhood Education, or have working experience equivalencies. Daily programs are balanced between physically active outdoor and creative indoor educational activities.